Source code for ffcv.transforms.color_jitter

Random color operations similar to torchvision.transforms.ColorJitter except not supporting hue
Reference : https://github.com/pytorch/vision/blob/main/torchvision/transforms/functional_tensor.py

import numpy as np

from dataclasses import replace
from ..pipeline.allocation_query import AllocationQuery
from ..pipeline.operation import Operation
from ..pipeline.state import State
from ..pipeline.compiler import Compiler

[docs]class RandomBrightness(Operation): ''' Randomly adjust image brightness. Operates on raw arrays (not tensors). Parameters ---------- magnitude : float randomly choose brightness enhancement factor on [max(0, 1-magnitude), 1+magnitude] p : float probability to apply brightness ''' def __init__(self, magnitude: float, p=0.5): super().__init__() self.p = p self.magnitude = magnitude
[docs] def generate_code(self): my_range = Compiler.get_iterator() p = self.p magnitude = self.magnitude def brightness(images, *_): def blend(img1, img2, ratio): return (ratio*img1 + (1-ratio)*img2).clip(0, 255).astype(img1.dtype) apply_bright = np.random.rand(images.shape[0]) < p magnitudes = np.random.uniform(max(0, 1-magnitude), 1+magnitude, images.shape[0]) for i in my_range(images.shape[0]): if apply_bright[i]: images[i] = blend(images[i], 0, magnitudes[i]) return images brightness.is_parallel = True return brightness
[docs] def declare_state_and_memory(self, previous_state): return (replace(previous_state, jit_mode=True), AllocationQuery(previous_state.shape, previous_state.dtype))
[docs]class RandomContrast(Operation): ''' Randomly adjust image contrast. Operates on raw arrays (not tensors). Parameters ---------- magnitude : float randomly choose contrast enhancement factor on [max(0, 1-magnitude), 1+magnitude] p : float probability to apply contrast ''' def __init__(self, magnitude, p=0.5): super().__init__() self.p = p self.magnitude = magnitude
[docs] def generate_code(self): my_range = Compiler.get_iterator() p = self.p magnitude = self.magnitude def contrast(images, *_): def blend(img1, img2, ratio): return (ratio*img1 + (1-ratio)*img2).clip(0, 255).astype(img1.dtype) apply_contrast = np.random.rand(images.shape[0]) < p magnitudes = np.random.uniform(max(0, 1-magnitude), 1+magnitude, images.shape[0]) for i in my_range(images.shape[0]): if apply_contrast[i]: r, g, b = images[i,:,:,0], images[i,:,:,1], images[i,:,:,2] l_img = (0.2989 * r + 0.587 * g + 0.114 * b).astype(images[i].dtype) images[i] = blend(images[i], l_img.mean(), magnitudes[i]) return images contrast.is_parallel = True return contrast
[docs] def declare_state_and_memory(self, previous_state): return (replace(previous_state, jit_mode=True), AllocationQuery(previous_state.shape, previous_state.dtype))
[docs]class RandomSaturation(Operation): ''' Randomly adjust image color balance. Operates on raw arrays (not tensors). Parameters ---------- magnitude : float randomly choose color balance enhancement factor on [max(0, 1-magnitude), 1+magnitude] p : float probability to apply saturation ''' def __init__(self, magnitude, p=0.5): super().__init__() self.p = p self.magnitude = magnitude
[docs] def generate_code(self): my_range = Compiler.get_iterator() p = self.p magnitude = self.magnitude def saturation(images, *_): def blend(img1, img2, ratio): return (ratio*img1 + (1-ratio)*img2).clip(0, 255).astype(img1.dtype) apply_saturation = np.random.rand(images.shape[0]) < p magnitudes = np.random.uniform(max(0, 1-magnitude), 1+magnitude, images.shape[0]) for i in my_range(images.shape[0]): if apply_saturation[i]: r, g, b = images[i,:,:,0], images[i,:,:,1], images[i,:,:,2] l_img = (0.2989 * r + 0.587 * g + 0.114 * b).astype(images[i].dtype) l_img3 = np.zeros_like(images[i]) for j in my_range(images[i].shape[-1]): l_img3[:,:,j] = l_img images[i] = blend(images[i], l_img3, magnitudes[i]) return images saturation.is_parallel = True return saturation
[docs] def declare_state_and_memory(self, previous_state): return (replace(previous_state, jit_mode=True), AllocationQuery(previous_state.shape, previous_state.dtype))