Fast custom image transforms

In this document, we’ll outline how to construct custom FFCV transforms. Transforms are the building blocks that together form pipelines, which specify how data should be read and preprocessed (this is outlined in the Making an FFCV dataloader guide, which we strongly recommend reading first).


In general, any torch.nn.Module can be placed in a pipeline and used as a transform without using anything from this guide. This document only concerns making custom FFCV-specific transforms, which may be faster since they can be put on CPU and pre-compiled with Numba

In this guide, we will implement a transform that computes a (made-up) PickACorner data augmentation. This augmentation will operate on image data, and will, for each image, return either the top-left or bottom-right quadrant of the image (deciding randomly).

FFCV transforms are implemented by subclassing the ffcv.pipeline.operation.Operation class. Doing so requires providing implementation for two functions:

from ffcv.pipeline.operation import Operation

class PickACorner(Operation):

    # Return the code to run this operation
    def generate_code(self) -> Callable:
        raise NotImplementedError

    def declare_state_and_memory(self, previous_state: State) -> Tuple[State, Optional[AllocationQuery]]:
        raise NotImplementedError

Advancing state and pre-allocating memory

As mentioned earlier, transforms are chained together in FFCV to form data pipelines. In order to get maximum data processing performance, FFCV:

  • keeps track of the state of the data being read at each stage in the pipeline (for now, think of state as storing the shape and data type, and some additional info useful to the compiler), and

  • pre-allocates a single block of memory for the output of each transform in the pipeline; transforms thus (over-)write to the same block of memory for each batch, saving allocation time.

To help FFCV accomplish both of these tasks, every transform should implement a declare_state_and_memory() method which specifies (a) how the given transform will change the state of the data, and (b) what memory to allocate such that the transform itself does not need to allocate any additional memory for the rest of the program.

For our PickACorner transform, a good declare_state_and_memory implementation looks like this:

from ffcv.pipeline.allocation_query import AllocationQuery
from dataclasses import replace

# Inside the MaybeBrighten class:
def declare_state_and_memory(self, previous_state: State) -> Tuple[State, Optional[AllocationQuery]]:
    h, w, c = previous_state.shape
    new_shape = (h // 2, w // 2, c)

    # Everything in the state stays the same other than the shape
    # States are immutable, so we have to edit them using the
    # dataclasses.replace function
    new_state = replace(previous_state, shape=new_shape)

    # We need to allocate memory for the new images
    # so below, we ask for a memory allocation whose width and height is
    # half the original image, with the same type
    # (shape=(,)) of the same type as the image data
    mem_allocation = AllocationQuery(new_shape, previous_state.dtype)
    return (new_state, mem_allocation)

Since we can’t implement the augmentation in-place, we needed to allocate new memory in which to store the output. We also tell downstream augmentations that the state images will change at this stage in the pipeline.

Implementing the transform function

Now it is time to implement the transform itself: we do this using the generate_code() function, which is actually a factory function. That is, generate_code() should return a function: this function takes as arguments (a) the output of the previous operation in the pipeline (as a batch), and (b) a pointer to the space in memory corresponding to this transformation’s allocation query.


See below for how to augment the transformation function with a third argument containing the index of datapoint within the dataset!

Let’s take a first pass at writing the transformation function for PickACorner, not really worrying about performance for now:

import numpy as np

def generate_code(self) -> Callable:
    def pick_a_corner(images, dst):
        which_corner = np.random.randint(low=0, high=4, size=(images.shape[0]))
        for i in range(images.shape[0]):
            if which_corner[i] == 0:
                dst[i] = images[i,:images.shape[1]//2, :images.shape[2]//2]
                dst[i] = images[i,-images.shape[1]//2:,

        return dst
    return pick_a_corner

Note that if we did not care about performance, we would be done! We can put together a little test script to check that our augmentation runs:

ds = torchvision.datasets.CIFAR10('/tmp', train=True, download=True)
writer = DatasetWriter('/tmp/cifar.beton', {'image': RGBImageField(),
                                            'label': IntField()})

image_pipelines = {
    'with': [SimpleRGBImageDecoder(), PickACorner(), ToTensor()],
    'without': [SimpleRGBImageDecoder(), ToTensor()]

for name, pipeline in image_pipelines.items():
    loader = Loader(f'/tmp/cifar.beton', batch_size=BATCH_SIZE,
                    num_workers=8, order=OrderOption.RANDOM,
                    drop_last=True, pipelines={'image': pipeline})

    # First epoch includes compilation time
    for ims, labs in loader: pass
    start_time = time.time()
    for _ in range(100):
        for ims, labs in loader: pass
    print(f'Method: {name} | Shape: {ims.shape} | Time per epoch: {(time.time() - start_time) / 100:.4f}s')

The output of this script is:

Method: with | Shape: torch.Size([512, 16, 16, 3]) | Time per epoch: 0.06596s
Method: without | Shape: torch.Size([512, 32, 32, 3]) | Time per epoch: 0.02828s

Ok! It looks like the augmentation worked, but it also added 0.04s to the per-epoch time, making our pipeline around 2.5x slower. Thankfully, our implementation above is suboptimal in a number of obvious ways. We’ll start with the most obvious: we have a for loop running in serial inside our augmentation! However, we can use FFCV to compile this for loop to parallel machine code, as follows:

import numpy as np
from ffcv.pipeline.compiler import Compiler

def generate_code(self) -> Callable:
    parallel_range = Compiler.get_iterable()

    def pick_a_corner(images, dst):
        which_corner = np.random.randint(low=0, high=4, size=(images.shape[0]))
        for i in parallel_range(images.shape[0]):
            if which_corner[i] == 0:
                dst[i] = images[i,:images.shape[1]//2, :images.shape[2]//2]
                dst[i] = images[i,-images.shape[1]//2:,

        return dst

    pick_a_corner.is_parallel = True
    return pick_a_corner

Dissecting the changes above: we replaced range with a parallelized compiled counterpart given by ffcv.pipeline.compiler.Compiler.get_iterator(): then we assigned the is_parallel property of the transformation function to flag to FFCV that the for loop should be compiled to parallel machine code. With just these two changes, our new output is:

Method: with | Shape: torch.Size([512, 16, 16, 3]) | Time per epoch: 0.03404s
Method: without | Shape: torch.Size([512, 32, 32, 3]) | Time per epoch: 0.02703s

Great! We’ve cut the overhead from abound 0.04s to just 0.007s, a 6x improvement!

Advanced usage: more information about state

In the above example, we only needed to update the shape in the pipeline state. We now briefly provide some more information about the state object that may be useful for other custom transforms:

At each stage in the pipeline, the data is stored as either a Numpy array or a PyTorch tensor: transforms that act on NumPy arrays run on CPU and can be compiled with Numba, while transforms acting on PyTorch tensors can run on CPU or GPU (but cannot be pre-compiled).

  • shape, dtype: these two rather familiar attributes keep track of the shape and datatype of the data at any given point in the pipeline. The shape attribute should always be a Python tuple; meanwhile dtype can be either a Numpy dtype or a PyTorch dtype depending on how the data is stored.

  • device: if the data is in NumPy format, this property is irrelevant; otherwise, device should be a torch.device instance that specifies where the data is being stored.

  • jit_mode: this is a boolean flag for whether the data is in a compileable state (i.e., whether it is on-CPU and in NumPy format).

See here for the code corresponding to this post.